Litigation Support
The Henderson Group’s experience and depth of knowledge in the workers’ compensation arena are unequaled.
The Henderson Group is relied upon as a dependable, credible Expert Witness. Whether you are an attorney needing an expert to testify for a claims case or you are an employer with on-going litigation, The Henderson Group, authoritative and accessible, is the resource to trust.
As Expert Witness, The Henderson Group gives depositions, evaluates case documents, develops opinions on key case issues, and provides testimony at trial.
As Litigation Support, The Henderson Group consults on strategy and calculates losses, as well as evaluating case documents and aiding with opinions on issues.
It’s obvious why the Henderson Group is the go-to expert for state and federal courts. The Henderson Group consults with employers, insurers, third party administrators (TPAs) and insurance brokers in several states to monitor and oversee approximately 1,000 claims every year and has audited tens of thousands of claims files for compliance.
Experience also includes consulting and overseeing claims for permissibly self-insured employers, employers with guaranteed cost, high deductible, and retrospective ratings, employers in captive programs as well as Alternative Dispute Resolution programs.
Meet the founder
Meet the founder
Diana is a trusted resource to her clients who value her insight and collaborative approach. Employers depend on her.
Three decades of hands-on experience. Three decades of workers’ compensation claims handling and insurance, including the development and evaluation of claims practices and procedures, reserving and reserving practices, claim file auditing and oversight. Three decades of proof, practice, and participation in the field.
There is no question. When you need the best, you need The Henderson Group